China O’Brien

(1990, US, Golden Harvest)

Dir. Robert Clouse; Pro. Robert Clouse, Fred Weintraub, Sandra Weintraub; Scr. Robert Clouse; Action Dir. Nijel; Cast Cynthia Rothrock, Richard Norton, Keith Cooke, Doug Wright, Nijel.

86 min.

From the makers of Enter the Dragon (producers Weintraub/Chow and director Clouse), one might be right to expect more from this hideous B movie, but the best is certainly made of a bad situation. The rigorous promotion of its petite star Rothrock (in her first fully-fledged US offering) is enthusiastically handled, even if her acting is overstretched at times. Her flailing limbs kick up a storm as China O’Brien, who gives up her LAPD badge and returns to her backward hometown to find her Sheriff father killed, the Senator in charge an asshole, and macho Aussie boyfriend Norton in need of attention. Bearded yokel types receive swift kickings from not only partners Rothrock and Norton, but also creepy Indian Chief Keith Cooke, who high-kicks in slow motion as a renegade sub-character hellbent on his mother’s revenge. A somewhat empty showcase for Rothrock’s talents, it nevertheless marked her entry into B movie purgatory.

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